Today is the 1st day of the 11th month (111)!!!
When you see a sequence of 1s, that means that the universe is capturing what’s on your mind as your order and helps you manifest it!
Today, watch your thoughts and feelings and enjoy pretending you’ve already had what you currently desire. Just enjoy pretending being the you you want to be!
Be careful! When you’re hoping, your hidden mind holds fear of not having your hope come true, and the universe also captures that as your order.
So the trick is you enjoy pretending the condition you want! Then the universe will match your reality to the pretended condition!
If you want to be rich, think, feel, and act like a rich person while window shopping! If you are seeking a new relationship, pretend you already have one and make a list of things you want to do with them, etc.!
This is how the law of attraction works in general, but its power is especially strong today through the power of 111 🙂
You can also set the timer and do it at 1:11 and/or 11:11 on any day and/or on November 11th!
Love, Chika