Become Your Desired Self!

Have you seen any repdigits (repeated digits) like 111 and 1515 repeatedly and wondered what that was about?

In numerology, those repdigits are considered to be powerful numbers, also called “angel numbers”. We’re all energy beings and everything is made with energy, so numbers also carry energy and messages to you especially when certain numbers repeatedly come to your attention.

The number 111 indicates that your thoughts, beliefs, and desires are aligning so that your desires are in a condition to be manifested into reality more easily.

So, January 11th (1-11) is a great day to focus on your desired self, and it’s also a great way to practice mindfulness.

Here’s a fun way to practice it!

STEP 1: Think about your desired self in detail. For example, if you’d like a successful career, pretend for a moment that you’re an actor who just got a new role, which is a successful business person.

STEP 2: Start thinking about how you would look and feel in that role, such as what you’re wearing, your mannerisms (how you’re talking, walking, etc.), what kind of people are around you, where you live and work, etc., etc.

STEP 3: Practice acting that role in your imagination all day on January 11th!

It doesn’t matter how different you are from your desired self! The key is just to ENJOY this FUN pretend activity. While you’re enjoying pretending, your desired self is captured and amplified in your massive hidden mind, which you’re not even consciously aware of because your unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between reality and your imagination, and whatever is captured and amplified there will come to reality at some point – so I advise that you keep doing it even after January 11th!


You’ll use your imagination to let you FEEL how you would feel as your desired self because what you FEEL amplifies in your hidden mind and it will manifest in your reality automatically.

If you take it too seriously and wonder, doubt, feel pressured, or anxious about the result of this activity, what will manifest is you who are still wondering, doubting, feeling pressured or anxious about your desired yourself.

So, the key is just to enjoy like you used to do “Pretend Play” as a child!

(NOTE: If you’re reading this on another day, don’t worry! You can start it any day! January 11th is just an igniter and a good opportunity to start it, but it’s important to get in the habit of “playing” your desired self!

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